2011年5月31日 星期二

Preparing for Your Business Deposition

Preparing for Your Business DepositionPreparing for Your Business Deposition

You're upset enough that your business dealings have gone to court. You don't know who to trust, and now your opponent's attorney wants to question you. What does he or she want? What questions will you face? Can you bring your own lawyer?

These and other questions are answered in Preparing for Your Business Deposition. This effective DVD has helped lawyers across the nation prepare thousands of executives, business owners, and managers for their business depositions.

Through re-enactments and interviews with four litigators you'll learn effective tips and common pitfalls to avoid during a business deposition.

This DVD emphasizes:
- Giving short, simple answers
- Keeping answers within the scope of the question
- Learning when and why to say, "I don't know"
- Understanding the question before answering
- Controlling your emotions

Preparing for Your Business Deposition is geared to helping nonlawyers understand the process. It's concise, but doesn't rush through the scenarios. Best of all, it has actors and lawyers you can identify with, grappling with realistic cases.

Preparing for Your Business Deposition was produced by the State Bar of Wisconsin as part the Law Office Video series that's used and endorsed by several other state bars, including Texas, North Carolina, and Alabama.

Experience the high quality of Preparing for Your Business Deposition for yourself by ordering today. It's the only resource you need to perform your business deposition.

Price: $145.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

